Medico Pediatra, perfezionato in Gastroenterologia Pediatrica, attualmente Ricercatore Universitario presso la Clinica Pediatrica dell’Università di Perugia. Ho conseguito l’abilitazione scientifica nazionale come Professore Associato di Pediatria nel Febbraio 2022.

Laureato in Medicina e Chirurgia, Specializzato in Pediatria e Dottorato in Scienze Pediatriche tutti con lode presso “La Sapienza” Università di Roma dove sono stato anche assegnista di ricerca.

Ho svolto una Clinical Fellowship presso il Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children (GOSH) di Londra e sono stato Research Fellow presso il Massachussetts General Hospital di Boston.

In ambito scientifico sono nel comitato del gruppo di studio della Celiachia dell’ESPGHAN (European Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition) e sono stato membro della Commissione Formazione della SIGENP (Società Scientifica di Gastroenterologia, Epatologia e Nutrizione Pediatrica). Sono autore di oltre 80 pubblicazioni scientifiche e di due capitoli di testi internazionali e Coordinatore Nazionale dello studio multicentrico CD-GEMM sulla celiachia.

Premi e Riconoscimenti

  • Premio Giovani Ricercatori per progetto di ricerca – Great Ormond St Hospital di Londra (SIGENP, 2016)
  • Borsa di formazione post laurea – Massachusetts General Hospital for Children (Sapienza Università di Roma, 2013)
  • Best poster Presentation – Pediatric Nutrition (SIGENP, 2013)
  • Best Oral presentation – Pediatric Gastroenterology (UEGW, 2012)


  • Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale come Professore Associato – Febbraio 2022
  • Specializzazione in Pediatria conseguita presso “La Sapienza” Università di Roma – 70/70 con lode
  • Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze Pediatriche conseguito presso “La Sapienza” Università di Roma – Ottimo con lode
  • Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia conseguita presso “La Sapienza” Università di Roma – 110/110 con lode
  • Corso di Perfezionamento Universitario in Gastroenterologia Pediatrica
  • Corso di Alta Formazione in Metodi Statistici per la Ricerca e la Pratica Biomedica
  • Percorso d’Eccellenza Universitario de “La Sapienza” Università di Roma
  • Erasmus presso la Facultad de Medicina, “Universidad de Sevilla”

Altre Informazioni

  • Abilitazione alla Professione Medica nel Regno Unito (Licence to Practice in UK)
  • Tutor per la Pediatria per la preparazione all’ammissione nazionale delle scuole di specializzazione mediche dell’Accademia CTO dal 2018 al 2023
  • Collaborazione con la Fondazione Celiachia (AIC) dal 2008 al 2018


Elenco delle pubblicazioni principali


  • Barbato M, Maiella G, Di Camillo C, Guida S, Valitutti F, Lastrucci G, Mainiero F, Cucchiara C. “The chronic diarrhoea”anti-deamidated gliadin peptide antibodies unmask celiac disease in small children with Dig Liver Dis 2011; 43:465-9
  • Di Nardo G, Oliva S, Barbato M, Aloi M, Midulla F, Roggini M, Valitutti F, Frediani S, Cucchiara S “Argon plasma coagulator in a 2-month-old child with tracheoesophageal fistula” Surg Endosc 2012; 26:2678-80
  • Calasso M, Vincentini O, Valitutti F, Felli C, Gobbetti M, Di Cagno R.“The sourdough fermentation may enhance the recovery from intestinal inflammation of coeliac patients at the early stage of the gluten-free diet.” Eur J Nutr 2012; 51:507-12
  • La Scaleia R, Barba M, Di Nardo G, Bonamico M, Oliva S, Nenna R, Valitutti F, Mennini M, Barbato M, Montuori M, Porzia A, Petrarca L, Battella S, Cucchiara S, Piccoli M, Santoni A, Mainiero F and Palmieri G “Size and dynamics of mucosal and peripheral IL-17A+ T cell pools in pediatric age, and their disturbance in celiac disease” Mucosal Immunol 2012; 5:513-23
  • Valitutti F, Barbato M, Cucchiara S. “Screening celiac disease in at-risk groups: what’s the impact of diagnosis on the perceived health of children and their families?”Jpgn 2012; 55:365.
  • Valitutti F, Di Nardo G, Barbato M, Aloi M, Celletti I, Trovato I, Pierdomenico M, Marcheggiano M, Cucchiara S. “Mapping celiac disease histologic patchiness by push enteroscopy” Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 2013 79:95-100
  • Valitutti F, Barbato M, Cucchiara S.“Letter: Coeliac disease and ischaemic heart disease:a true additional risk factor?”.Aliment Pharm & Therap 2013 38:559
  • Valitutti F, Trovato CM, Barbato M, Cucchiara S. “Letter: atherosclerosis and coeliac disease–another feature of the changing paradigm?”Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2013; 38:559
  • Valitutti F, Barbato M, Marcheggiano A, Di Nardo G, Leoni S, Iorfida D, Corazza GR, Cucchiara S. “Autoimmune enteropathy in a 13 year old celiac girl successfully treated with Infliximab”. J Clin Gastroenterol 2014 48:264-6.
  • Valitutti F, De Vitis I, Cucchiara S.” Letter: follow-up practices in coeliac disease– intestinal biopsy after child-to-adult transition might be useful”. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2014;39:234-5.
    Brera C, Debegnach F, De Santis B, Di Ianni S, Gregori E, Neuhold S, Valitutti F, “Exposure assessment to mycotoxins in gluten-free diet for celiac patients”. Food Chem Toxicol. 2014;69:13-7.
  • Trovato CM, Albanese CV, Leoni S, Celletti I, Valitutti F, Cavallini C, Montuori M, Barbato M, Catalano C, Cucchiara S. “Lack of Clinical Predictors for Low Mineral Density in Children With Celiac Disease”. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2014
  • Valitutti F, Oliva S, Iorfida D, Aloi M, Gatti S, Trovato CM, Montuori M, Tiberti A, Cucchiara S, Di Nardo G. Narrow band imaging combined with water immersion technique in the diagnosis of celiac disease. Dig Liver Dis. 2014
  • Trovato CM, Montuori M, Anania C, Barbato M, Vestri AR, Guida S, Oliva S, Mainiero F, Cucchiara S, Valitutti F. Are ESPGHAN “Biopsy-Sparing” Guidelines for Celiac Disease also Suitable for Asymptomatic Patients? Am J Gastroenterol. 2015;110:1485-9.
  • Borrelli O, Pescarin M, Saliakellis E, Tambucci R, Quitadamo P, Valitutti F, Rybak A, Lindley KJ, Thapar N. Sequential incremental doses of bisacodyl increase the diagnostic accuracy of colonic manometry. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2016;28:1747-1755
  • Tiberti C, Montuori M, Panimolle F, Trovato CM, Anania C, Valitutti F, Vestri AR, Lenzi A, Cucchiara S, Morano S. Screening for Type 1 Diabetes-, Thyroid-, Gastric-, and Adrenal- Specific Humoral Autoimmunity in 529 Children and Adolescents With Celiac Disease at Diagnosis Identifies as Positive in One of Every Nine Patients. Diabetes Care. 2016
  • Valitutti F, Trovato CM, Montuori M, Cucchiara S. Pediatric Celiac Disease: Follow-Up in the Spotlight. Adv Nutr. 2017; 8:356-361.
  • Valitutti F, Iorfida D, Anania C, Trovato CM, Montuori M, Cucchiara S, Catassi C. Cereal Consumption among Subjects with Celiac Disease: A Snapshot for Nutritional Considerations. Nutrients. 2017; 9(4).
  • Valitutti F, Trovato CM, Montuori M, Cucchiara S. C. difficile and celiac disease: the “difficile” to tell association. Am J Gastroenterol. 2018
  • Valitutti F, De Santis B, Trovato CM, Montuori M, Gatti S, Oliva S, Brera C, Catassi C. Assessment of Mycotoxin Exposure in Breastfeeding Mothers with Celiac Disease. Nutrients. 2018; 10(3).
  • Weimer K, Sauer H, Horing B, Valitutti F, Mazurak N, Zipfel S, Stengel A, Enck P, Mack I. Impaired Gastric Myoelectrical Reactivity in Children and Adolescents with Obesity Compared to Normal-Weight Controls. Nutrients. 2018 May 31;10
  • Valitutti F, Fasano A. Breaking Down Barriers: How Understanding Celiac Disease Pathogenesis Informed the Development of Novel Treatments. Dig Dis Sci. 2019 Jul;
  • Trovato CM, Raucci U, Valitutti F, Montuori M, Villa MP, Cucchiara S, Parisi P. Neuropsychiatric manifestations in celiac disease. Epilepsy Behav. 2019 Oct
  • Valitutti F, Cucchiara S, Fasano A. Celiac Disease and the Microbiome. Nutrients. 2019 Oct 8
  • Trovato CM, Montuori M, Valitutti F, Leter B, Cucchiara S, Oliva S. The Challenge of Treatment in Potential Celiac Disease. Gastroenterol Res Pract. 2019 Oct 20
  • Valitutti F., Zenzieri L., Mauro A., Pacifico R., Borrelli M., Muzzica S., Boccia G., Tipo V., Vajro P. “Effect of Population Lockdown on Pediatric Emergency Room Demands in the ERA of COVID-19” Frontiers in Pediatrics 2020 Sep 18;8:521
  • Leonard M., Karanthia H., Pujolassos M., Troisi J., Valitutti F., … “Multi-omics analysis reveals the influence of genetic and environmental risk factors on developing gut microbiotain infants at risk of celiac disease”  Microbiome 2020 Sep 11;8(1):130
  • Barbato M, Maiella G, Di Camillo C, Guida S, Valitutti F, Lastrucci G, Mainiero F, Cucchiara C. “The chronic diarrhoea”anti-deamidated gliadin peptide antibodies unmask celiac disease in small children with Dig Liver Dis 2011; 43:465-9
  • Di Nardo G, Oliva S, Barbato M, Aloi M, Midulla F, Roggini M, Valitutti F, Frediani S, Cucchiara S “Argon plasma coagulator in a 2-month-old child with tracheoesophageal fistula” Surg Endosc 2012; 26:2678-80
  • Calasso M, Vincentini O, Valitutti F, Felli C, Gobbetti M, Di Cagno R.“The sourdough fermentation may enhance the recovery from intestinal inflammation of coeliac patients at the early stage of the gluten-free diet.” Eur J Nutr 2012; 51:507-12
  • La Scaleia R, Barba M, Di Nardo G, Bonamico M, Oliva S, Nenna R, Valitutti F, Mennini M, Barbato M, Montuori M, Porzia A, Petrarca L, Battella S, Cucchiara S, Piccoli M, Santoni A, Mainiero F and Palmieri G “Size and dynamics of mucosal and peripheral IL-17A+ T cell pools in pediatric age, and their disturbance in celiac disease” Mucosal Immunol 2012; 5:513-23
  • Valitutti F, Barbato M, Cucchiara S. “Screening celiac disease in at-risk groups: what’s the impact of diagnosis on the perceived health of children and their families?”Jpgn 2012; 55:365.
  • Valitutti F, Di Nardo G, Barbato M, Aloi M, Celletti I, Trovato I, Pierdomenico M, Marcheggiano M, Cucchiara S. “Mapping celiac disease histologic patchiness by push enteroscopy” Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 2013 79:95-100
  • Valitutti F, Barbato M, Cucchiara S.“Letter: Coeliac disease and ischaemic heart disease:a true additional risk factor?”.Aliment Pharm & Therap 2013 38:559
  • Valitutti F, Trovato CM, Barbato M, Cucchiara S. “Letter: atherosclerosis and coeliac disease–another feature of the changing paradigm?”Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2013; 38:559
  • Valitutti F, Barbato M, Marcheggiano A, Di Nardo G, Leoni S, Iorfida D, Corazza GR, Cucchiara S. “Autoimmune enteropathy in a 13 year old celiac girl successfully treated with Infliximab”. J Clin Gastroenterol 2014 48:264-6.
  • Valitutti F, De Vitis I, Cucchiara S.” Letter: follow-up practices in coeliac disease– intestinal biopsy after child-to-adult transition might be useful”. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2014;39:234-5.
    Brera C, Debegnach F, De Santis B, Di Ianni S, Gregori E, Neuhold S, Valitutti F, “Exposure assessment to mycotoxins in gluten-free diet for celiac patients”. Food Chem Toxicol. 2014;69:13-7.
  • Trovato CM, Albanese CV, Leoni S, Celletti I, Valitutti F, Cavallini C, Montuori M, Barbato M, Catalano C, Cucchiara S. “Lack of Clinical Predictors for Low Mineral Density in Children With Celiac Disease”. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2014
  • Valitutti F, Oliva S, Iorfida D, Aloi M, Gatti S, Trovato CM, Montuori M, Tiberti A, Cucchiara S, Di Nardo G. Narrow band imaging combined with water immersion technique in the diagnosis of celiac disease. Dig Liver Dis. 2014
  • Trovato CM, Montuori M, Anania C, Barbato M, Vestri AR, Guida S, Oliva S, Mainiero F, Cucchiara S, Valitutti F. Are ESPGHAN “Biopsy-Sparing” Guidelines for Celiac Disease also Suitable for Asymptomatic Patients? Am J Gastroenterol. 2015;110:1485-9.
  • Borrelli O, Pescarin M, Saliakellis E, Tambucci R, Quitadamo P, Valitutti F, Rybak A, Lindley KJ, Thapar N. Sequential incremental doses of bisacodyl increase the diagnostic accuracy of colonic manometry. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2016;28:1747-1755
  • Tiberti C, Montuori M, Panimolle F, Trovato CM, Anania C, Valitutti F, Vestri AR, Lenzi A, Cucchiara S, Morano S. Screening for Type 1 Diabetes-, Thyroid-, Gastric-, and Adrenal- Specific Humoral Autoimmunity in 529 Children and Adolescents With Celiac Disease at Diagnosis Identifies as Positive in One of Every Nine Patients. Diabetes Care. 2016
  • Valitutti F, Trovato CM, Montuori M, Cucchiara S. Pediatric Celiac Disease: Follow-Up in the Spotlight. Adv Nutr. 2017; 8:356-361.
  • Valitutti F, Iorfida D, Anania C, Trovato CM, Montuori M, Cucchiara S, Catassi C. Cereal Consumption among Subjects with Celiac Disease: A Snapshot for Nutritional Considerations. Nutrients. 2017; 9(4).
  • Valitutti F, Trovato CM, Montuori M, Cucchiara S. C. difficile and celiac disease: the “difficile” to tell association. Am J Gastroenterol. 2018
  • Valitutti F, De Santis B, Trovato CM, Montuori M, Gatti S, Oliva S, Brera C, Catassi C. Assessment of Mycotoxin Exposure in Breastfeeding Mothers with Celiac Disease. Nutrients. 2018; 10(3).
  • Weimer K, Sauer H, Horing B, Valitutti F, Mazurak N, Zipfel S, Stengel A, Enck P, Mack I. Impaired Gastric Myoelectrical Reactivity in Children and Adolescents with Obesity Compared to Normal-Weight Controls. Nutrients. 2018 May 31;10
  • Valitutti F, Fasano A. Breaking Down Barriers: How Understanding Celiac Disease Pathogenesis Informed the Development of Novel Treatments. Dig Dis Sci. 2019 Jul;
  • Trovato CM, Raucci U, Valitutti F, Montuori M, Villa MP, Cucchiara S, Parisi P. Neuropsychiatric manifestations in celiac disease. Epilepsy Behav. 2019 Oct
  • Valitutti F, Cucchiara S, Fasano A. Celiac Disease and the Microbiome. Nutrients. 2019 Oct 8
  • Trovato CM, Montuori M, Valitutti F, Leter B, Cucchiara S, Oliva S. The Challenge of Treatment in Potential Celiac Disease. Gastroenterol Res Pract. 2019 Oct 20
  • Valitutti F., Zenzieri L., Mauro A., Pacifico R., Borrelli M., Muzzica S., Boccia G., Tipo V., Vajro P. “Effect of Population Lockdown on Pediatric Emergency Room Demands in the ERA of COVID-19” Frontiers in Pediatrics 2020 Sep 18;8:521
  • Leonard M., Karanthia H., Pujolassos M., Troisi J., Valitutti F., … “Multi-omics analysis reveals the influence of genetic and environmental risk factors on developing gut microbiotain infants at risk of celiac disease”  Microbiome 2020 Sep 11;8(1):130
  • Valitutti F, Lindley K, Saliakellis E, Chanpong A, Pesce M, Rybak A, Thapar N, Borrelli O. “Intra-  and Inter-observer Agreement of High Resolution Antroduodenal Manometry in Pediatric Patients Among Single Center Experts”. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2022 Dec 1;75(6):695-701.
  • Valitutti F, et. al. “Early Antibody Dynamics in a Prospective Cohort of Children At Risk of Celiac Disease”. Am J Gastroenterol. 2023 Mar 1;118(3):574-577.
  • DaFonte TM, Valitutti F, et. al. “Zonulin as a Biomarket for the Development of Celiac Disease”. Pediatrics. 2024 Jan 1;153(1):e2023063050. 
  • Tran T, Senger S, Baldassarre M, Brosnan RA, Cristofori F, Crocco M, De Santis S, Elli L, Faherty CS, Francavilla R, Goodchild-Michelman I, Kenyon VA, Leonard MM, Lima RS, Malerba F, Montuori M, Morelli A, Norsa L, Passaro T, Piemontese P, Reed JC, Sansotta N, Valitutti F, Zomorrodi AR, Fasano A; CDGEMM Team. “Novel Bacteroides Vulgatus strain protects against gluten-induced break of human celiac gut epithelial homeostasis: a pre-clinical proof-of-concept study”. Pediatr Res. 2024 Apr;95(5):1254-1264.